About the Author

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Washington, United States
Brandy Nederlander (1985-Present) was born in Centralia, Washington , as of late 2006 now lives near the Emerald City where she spends a lot of her free time with her friends partaking in her guilty pleasure of roleplaying. She enjoys writing part-time and wishes to pursue a full time career in animation.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Vampyrism Terms

Vampire/Vampyre -
any individual that has a Vampiric Nature.

Vampiric Nature - the natural condition of Vampirism that can manifest itself in either a physical,psychological, and/or spiritual way.

Vampirism -
the need for sanguine, pranic, elemental, and/or psi energies. This energy can not usually be found by a normal means of intake. As for example in food and drink.

Leech -
a slang term used by some outside the Community to shed a bad light on anyone that is Vampyric but is sometimes used when refering to an individual that takes energy without asking.

Latent Vampire - one who finds out later in life about their Vampiric Nature. These individuals were Vampyric at birth but failed to realized they had been drawing in energies from various sources all along. Most of them realize this nature when going through an Awakening.

Awakening -
a point were an individual becomes aware of their Vampyric Nature or refers to when it becomes an abrupt reality and the individual has no choice but to recognize that they are Vampyre. This person going through this some times will begin to seek an understanding of their Hunger and their Needs at, just after, or just before the Awakening process occurs. The Awakening is a time of change in one Nature and some find that they are suddenly needing different types of energies. This change can be hard for others around them to understand especially if they have neverencountered anyone who is Vampyre. Many going through this sometimes have to seek help outside of their usual circle due to criticisms of those that have a lack of understanding of the True Nature or the Vampire.

The Beast -
is a term used to describe the inter primal side of one's nature. Some times called "The Beast Within".

Otherkin - a term used to defined any individual that has or feels they have another nature about theirselves that is a more NonHuman, primal, animalistic, alien, and/or Mytholigical by Nature. The Vampire should be considered as Otherkin due to the fact that by definition anyone who is Vampyre does not feel that they fit in as being all human but sometime more humanlike. This Nature can present it's self as being a part of our Higher selves or our Spirit Within.

Control -
the ability to refrain from giving in to sometime you are capable of, or learning to disipline a part of your nature.

Beacon -
An energy signature given off by those that are Vampyre. It can be a feeling that one who is Vampyre may get when someone else who is Vampyric, or latent Vampyre comes nearby.

The Hunger -
an extreme need for energy intake.This need can be for energies from Psi, Pranic, Elemental, etc. to an extreme need and/or desire for Blood. The effects of The Hunger can be felt on many levels and can cause physical, psychological, and/or spiritual side effects up to and including mimicing or causing some types of diseases. Examples of it's side effects can be different with each individual but there are some common ones.

Sanguinarian - this is usually refering to a type of Vampyric individual that gets their energy needs only from Living Blood (not of their own) and sometimes finds it very difficult to adapt to other types of energy intake.The word itself comes from the latin root word Sanguine which means "blood thirsty". This by far is one of the most known but rarest forms of the Vampiric Natures. Over many years there has been much false information spread about the "Blood Drinking" or "Blood Thirsty Vampire" that is not even close to being true. They do not go out and kill to get what they need as some people would lead you to believe. There are Safe, Caring Donors out there that will vollunteer some of what they have to help those that have this Vampyric Nature. For the average Sanguine Vampyre is really does not take much to satisfy this need.

Pranic Vampire -
one who gets energies from things like sexual contact, touch, and/or the exchange of bodily fluids. Next to the Sanguine Vampire the Pranic Vampire is one of the next most misunderstood. A Pranic Vampire will sometimes find theirselves in a situation of being very permiscuous if they fail to realize why they are being drawn to things of a sexual nature and learn to control it. Indescriminate feeding can be quit dangerous in this day and age and those that have a Pranic Nature will sometimes have to resort to having a number of set Safe Donors to go to for their needs.

Psi Vamp - this is refering to a type of Vampyric individual that takes in energies from other living individual's energy fields. With the correct training and control a Psychic Vampire will learn to not leech off of others around them without permission and can become very good at being healers or practicianer of energy manipulation.

Empathic Vampire -
an individual that takes in energies given off by other people's emotions. They gain their strenght in this way. They tend to sometimes pick up and feel exactly what others are feeling even on a physical level until they learn to filter out parts of these energies. It is because of this the Empathic Vampire will sometimes try to change things for better with those around them so isn't so hard on them to filter out the harsher side effects of some emotions.

Negative Feeder -
one who have the ability to feed off of negative energy souces and convert or change those energies into something they can use. This individual does not need to create situations of a chaotic nature for them to find these energies available to them. Most of the truly Negative Feeding Vampires also tend to be able to make the best out of a bad situation once they find theirselves in one. Given time and understanding they can also become very skilled in picking up on what the real root of a problem is in many situations because they will sometimes feel the hidden angers, anxieties, and pain that may not be voiced by those around them.

Elemental Vampire -
one who takes their energy needs from the natural environment. Some examples of elemental energy sources are water, wind, fire, stones, storms, etc. They tend to be the type that cares greatly about the environment they are in and like to seek out and/or spend much time out in nature.

Eclectic Vampire - one who can take in energies from a combination of energy sources. Example Psi, Pranic, Elemental, Sanguine, etc. They usually can draw equally off of any source and don't have as many problems as some others do that have one primary type of energy intake.

Adaptive -
an individual that has had to adapt to a different type of energy intake that is not of their primary energy source usually because their normal means of intake is not available for an extened time. Most individuals that become adaptive at some point will have to eventually return to their primary energy source when their energy levels drop way too low.

Primary -
a term usually used when explaining one's main type of energy intake.

Secondary -
a term usually used when explaining any secondary energy intake ability one may have other than their primary.

Donor -
Any individual that gives of their own energies to feed someone Vampyric. These Donors can also sometimes be their Black Swans and other individuals in their Vampyric Family. A Donor may donate anything from Psi, Pranic, and/or Blood energies to the Vampyric one in need.

Bloodletting -
the act of drawing Blood from a Donor.

Feeding -
the act of someone that is Vampyric taking in energy from a Donor.

Filtering -
the ability to block out or change certain energies to suit a certain need.

Shielding -
the ability to prevent harmful energies or energy draws from others from affecting you.

Elder -
this is refering to the Leader of a House, Temple, Clan, etc. that has earned to the right to Lead others. The ability to lead others should never be taken lightly and one that finds their self in this position should at all times be a good example to others and not missuse the Power it gives.

Primus -
Usually refering to the first. The Founder and maybe the Elder of a House, Temple, or Clan.

Abbon -
Usually reffering to someone that may be an Associate of one House and Member of another.

Ronin - this is usually refering to an individual that is not a member of any House, Clan, and/or Vampyric Temple. They tend to be well versed in the standardized rules of the Vampyric Communites, are usually good examples to others, and may eventually start their own House or join an already established one eventually.

Sovereign -
(refer to Ronin) A more correct term for some one who is not a member of any House, Clan, and/or Vampyric Temple. They tend to be well versed in the standardized rules of the Vampyric Communites, are usually good examples to others, and may eventually start their own House or join an already established one eventually.

Unbound Guardian -
Some one who is Vampyric that is not a member of any House, Temple, and/or clan that caretakes other individuals that are Vampyric or of a similair nature usually teaching them about the various Communities and their gifts.

Rogue -
this is refering to an individual that does not follow any of the standardized rules set by the Vampyric Community. They are usually reckless, take without asking, and set a bad example for others to follow.The Vampyric Community does not is any way condone these type of activities and considers those that do this not part of the Community itself.

Black Swan - this term is used throughout the Vampyric Community to say that a person is Vampire Friendly. Most of them may not have any Vampyric Nature about them but they many sometimes have Gifts, Magickal Skills, fedishes, or even a latent nature of some kind that will draw them to the Communities in the first place.

White Swan -
Some one that at one time may have been a Black Swan but has turned against their Vampyre Family. These types tend to and can become highly destructive and dangerous to the ones that may have once loved and cared for them.

Gamer -
one who plays the part of a Vampire in a role play game.

Lifesyler -
one who is not Vampyric by Nature but leads the Vampire lifestyle. Some of these individuals may be blood fetishers or simple like the "Playing the Part" of one.There is a big difference in a Lifestyler and the Real Deal, learn to tell the difference between each. Some lifestylers (not all) are even honorable in their ways and will inform those around them that they are indeed not the real thing but will tell you that the real thing does exist.

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